Digital Forensics in Personal Injury Law
Our digital forensics gather evidence from cell phones and computers to support your personal injury cases. With eDiscovery services, we provide electronic evidence from multiple sources to provide you the greatest advantage. Types of personal injury cases we can help you with:
- Assault
- Auto Accidents
- Gun Accidents
- Medical Malpractice
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Nursing Home Abuse
- Pedestrian Accidents
- Playground Injuries
- Products Liability
- School and Daycare Injuries
- School Fights
- Slip and Fall Cases
- Sports Injury Claims
- Wrongful Death
Preserving Evidence to use in Court for your Personal Injury Claim
Certainly, the most important thing is to ensure your evidence remains admissible in court. Our forensic practices are fully defensible, using best practices we maintain chain of custody and preserve the integrity of your evidence.

Sample Personal Injury Case
In this case, a serious highway accident involving four cars resulted in two deaths and several serious injuries. There was a genuine dispute about the cause of the accident. Theories included falling asleep behind the wheel or drinking in a tavern prior to the accident. The evidence we gathered with digital forensics revealed:
- Cell phone GPS data proved that the defendant was not at a tavern before the accident. Instead, digital forensics determined he had driven from his home to a Walgreens store to pick up milk for his baby.
- Cellular tower GPS location obtained by subpoena verified his location at the time.
- The defendant claimed he fell asleep behind the wheel. Smartphone and computer evidence supported his claims when it showed that he had been awake all night playing games on his computer and texting friends.
- Smartphone evidence also showed the defendant was texting while driving. However, the texting stopped about 10 minutes before the accident.
Our Forensics Reduce your Personal Injury eDiscovery Costs
Once we’ve identified all sources of evidence, we forensically extract the images, videos, text messages, call logs, notes, voicemail, and application data. You can imagine that quickly becomes an overwhelming amount of items to sort through. For your personal injury case, our forensics expert will work with you to develop a Discovery Protocol and apply effective culling strategies. As a result, we reduce the amount of data and in turn, your eDiscovery costs.
Above all, to reduce data we reduce review to certain timeframes with begin and end-date filters, or to only those messages sent or received from certain people. Similarly, our forensic analyst will work with you to exclude other items, such as confidential information and privileged communications.
After reducing the amount of data, we produce evidence in one of two platforms. We will produce for you the relevant, non-privileged electronic evidence in either: In-House Document Review Software for electronic evidence, or in a convenient Desktop Evidence Report. The size of your case and the volume of data will indicate the platform that is best for you. Read more about either of those here.