Home Counter Surveillance & Bug Sweep Services
Perhaps the greatest violation is a breach of security and privacy of your own home. Whether it’s a house, condominium, apartment, or townhouse, our home should be the one place where we can have private conversations and do what we want without surveillance or interference. Our comprehensive bug-sweep services and other counter surveillance services restore peace of mind.

Do you think there are cameras and mics in your home?
How Much Do Bug Sweep Services Cost?
- To bug-sweep a home, we charge flat-fees based on the square footage of the area to be searched.
- Analysis of computers, routers, and phones, provided for additional fees.
TSCM bug sweep of your home to find hidden cameras, microphones, and other devices. ($1.50 / sq ft, Minimum Price = $2,975 covers up to 2000 sq ft).
$1.50 / SQ FT
The Proliferation of Spy Devices
Rapid changes in technology over the last 20 years have made surveillance equipment more affordable and available to a wider range of individuals. Easy to install bugs and spy devices make it easy for individuals to spy on others in their homes. Frequently, spy devices look like common items in a home – smoke detectors, pens, water bottles, and more.
Surveillance Devices Purchased Online
There are a variety of online sites where one can spend as little as $40, or over $400 for a single hidden camera. Here are just a couple of examples:
Home Bug Sweep & Counter Surveillance Services
Most people have us sweep the entire home to restore privacy and peace of mind. We painstakingly sweep all the rooms in the home using commercial-grade surveillance equipment to check for surveillance devices like microphones and cameras, as well as determine where the surveillance information is going, and who is receiving it.
Surveillance devices can be found anywhere. But the greatest concern is surveillance in the following areas:
- Bedrooms
- Bathrooms
- Showers
- Livingroom
- Family room
- Den or office
One extra benefit we provide that many other service providers do not is checking the equipment in the house for surveillance. This includes television sets, entertainment systems, game consoles, and more. Sometimes, these systems can enable microphones and cameras or be hacked to do surveillance in a home or business.
Tips to Choose a Counter Surveillance Expert
A thorough bug sweep process takes time. To do the job it takes time and a methodology and workflow that is careful and locates any hidden surveillance devices. Unfortunately, we have had to check a house for surveillance after the client had previously had another service provider sweep the home in a 30–minute period of time.
Before you hire someone, ask the counter-surveillance expert the following questions:
- Where did they attain their knowledge and experience in counter-surveillance?
- Do they have certifications?
- Do they use commercial grade “best-of-breed” equipment?
- Do they have a legal background so that they understand how to handle the evidence and authenticate it for use in a civil or criminal trial?
- Do they have references?