Today, hidden cameras and microphones are smaller and easier to hide than ever before. This means that personal items you carry with you daily, are at risk as targets for hiding surveillance equipment. Consider items you generally carry with you throughout the day and the conversations that could be recorded if they had a bug. When you order a physical sweep of a business, home, or vehicle, we bug sweep personal items and household items at no additional cost.

Price & Cost Guide: TSCM Counter Surveillance Bug Sweep Services
We offer flat fee pricing for our TSCM services, including bug sweeps and electronic analysis of your phones and more for hacking, spyware, malware, and more.
True Story
Expanding a bug sweep to personal items is critical. In one instance, a doctor who worked in a hospital was in the midst of divorcing her husband. Shortly after the divorce proceedings commenced, the husband planted a hidden microphone on his wife’s hospital name badge. He was able to listen to all her conversations with co-workers, and patients. This not only invaded the wife’s personal security and privacy but also put the hospital in jeopardy for HIPPA violations of doctor-patient privileged information.
Personal Items to Include in Bug-Sweep
The following is a list of personal items that you may want to consider having a search:
- Purse – be sure to include all purses you use on a regular basis.
- Backpack
- Briefcase
- Jewelry
- Key chain
- Work badges
- Any other items that you regularly carry on your person.
To check items, we sweep the personal items just like we would if we were doing a bug sweep of a business, home, or vehicle. We bug sweep for input devices such as cameras, microphones, and GPS location devices, and check to see if there are any transmissions of surveillance information from the personal items.