Server Forensics
In business litigation and other matters, servers can be an essential source of evidence. With our server forensics services, we collect evidence from all types of servers: File Servers (where documents and files are stored; Email Servers (e.g., Microsoft Exchange) and Database Servers (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server).

Importance of Digital Evidence from Servers
The evidence we collect may be beneficial in many types of cases, for example:
- Breach of Contract
- Business Litigation
- Class Actions
- Employment Law
- Family Law
- Intellectual Property
- Probate Litigation
Explore Our Computer Evidence Packages
We can collect evidence from your client’s server. Our server forensics procedures collect evidence from the opposing party’s server through consent, a discovery protocol, or judge’s ruling. Once the data is processed and search terms applied, then you can use either of legal review platforms, Excel Evidence Reports, or our In-House Document Review Software.
This makes legal review easy. You do not have to buy, install, learn, or support new software. You already have Adobe PDF on your computer and know how to use it. Law Firms find our Excel Evidence Reports the quickest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to conduct an attorney review.
Simplify Legal Review with Data Culling
With servers, it is especially important to use intelligent culling strategies to reduce the data population. After applying our server forensics tools, you may have terabytes worth of data to review. We help law firms develop best practices concerning culling strategies and search terms. Culling strategies may include date ranges, file types, document and email metadata fields, search terms, and more.
We have a team of highly trained experts at our disposal, and we work diligently to ensure that you will get the personal attention you need to find valuable evidence. If you need data from servers, you can count on us to do everything we can to find it. If you would like to find out more about our server collection service and Excel Evidence Reports, why not give us a call today.