As cell phones became more powerful and convenient, collectively, we began saving greater amounts of information on these devices. In turn, this means there is a vast digital footprint to serve as legal evidence, whether a family law divorce case, business dispute, or criminal matter. Our mobile forensics services use technology to extract and collect cell phone emails, text messages, log files, photographs, videos, and more to use as evidence in your case.

- Keep your device! We collect the data remotely.
- We extract emails, text messages, log files, photographs, videos, and more.
- Flat Fee Services – No outside IT fees.
- Most cell phone models served. iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, HTC, Samsung, and more.
- Defensible collection with chain of custody certificates.
Explore Our Smartphone Evidence Packages
Mobile Forensics – Devices Supported
No matter the condition of your phone, frequently our mobile forensics experts can recover evidence for your case – including previously deleted or otherwise hidden data. We work with most cell phone models.
- iPhone
- Android
- Blackberry
- Nokia
- Samsung, and more.
Evidence Types we Secure through Mobile Forensics
Understanding there are vast stores of data on our electronic devices, and in the cloud, we use discovery protocols to reduce the amount of evidence you review. As your expert, we implement your Discovery Protocol to collect, cull, and prepare electronically stored information (ESI) for legal review. Of course, we exclude all attorney-client and other privileged communications from production to the other party.
The electronic evidence we will secure for you includes:
- all photos that were taken with the phone,
- incoming and outgoing calls and texts,
- voicemails,
- contacts list,
- GPS history,
- social media activity conducted from the mobile device,
- And more.
Remote Collection Services
We handle the data extraction remotely with our Remote Collection Unit. This means we will ship you our BlackBox and conduct the forensics examination remotely. Then you ship the box back to us using our pre-paid shipping label and box. Once complete, we give you an Evidence Report.
Digital Evidence for Your Case
Our mobile forensics investigator will assist you with strategies for how to use the evidence effectively for your type of case, for example:
Intellectual Property cases with copyright disputes.
Family Law cases to improve your settlement by identifying hidden assets and accounts, or where there are allegations of abuse and custody concerns.
Employment Law to defend or prove wrongful termination, sexual harassment, or racial discrimination.
Business Litigation for contract disputes, business valuation concerns, and more.
Criminal Law for defense or prosecution
Probate Administration where there is a will contest or a need to identify assets for probate.
Electronic Evidence Admissibility & Authentication
In federal court, evidence admissibility is governed by the federal rules of evidence. Consequently, assuming, for example, a given email is relevant and not barred based on hearsay rules, it must be authenticated for admission. Authenticating the email will demonstrate that it has not been altered and comes from the stated source. Our mobile forensics will establish the authenticity of your electronic evidence.
Expert Testimony and Other Services Available
We are lawyers and eDiscovery/Forensics experts. We provide expert witness services for law firms throughout the United States, in federal and state court cases. Our Expert Services include:
- Joint (Neutral) Expert to assist both parties in developing a Discovery Protocol
- Implement a Discovery Protocol to define and limit the scope of discovery
- Special Master services to carry out orders of the court
- Expert testimony regarding the collection of electronic evidence
Important Smartphone Evidence Data Types
In litigation, the following data types are most common. Click on the links below to see more details:
- Text Messages
- Phone Metadata
- Voicemails
- Phone Call Logs
- Contacts
- GPS & Locations
- Phone Internet History
- Phone Bookmarks