Our android tablet forensics collects evidence from Android Tablets and creates searchable Evidence Reports for lawyers. Our forensics process uses discovery protocols to reduce the amount of evidence you review. We can produce:
- all photos taken with the tablet,
- Internet history,
- GPS history, and
- even social media activity conducted from the mobile device.

Android Tablet Forensics
People are using android tablets for both work and pleasure. Therefore, you may need to forensically collect digital evidence from not just someone’s phone and computer, but also their tablet. Android tablets are more varied than their iPad cousins. With our android tablet forensics, we secure your digital evidence from any android operating system. Whether you have a Samsung Galaxy Tab; Huawei MediaPad; Amazon Fire; Lenovo Yoga; or any other, our tablet forensics will work for you.
Remote Collection
We handle the data extraction remotely. This means you, your client, or your witness do not have to ship their Android tablet to us. Instead, we ship you our BlackBox and conduct the forensics examination remotely. Watch the video below to see how simple our remote collection is.
Fully Defensible Evidence Collection
Our android tablet forensics collection procedures are fully defensible so your evidence remains admissible. In addition, our forensics experts frequently testify as expert witnesses to help overcome any other discovery barriers you may face.
Easy Legal Review with our Evidence Reports
Legal review with eDiscovery services is the most time-consuming and costly part of lawsuits. First, we save you and your client money with an effective Discovery Protocol. Using search technologies and filtering strategies, we are able to get to the important data quickly. This reduces cost, which, in the long term, benefits all parties.
Additionally, we simplify document review for all your digital evidence. You will get an Evidence Report containing all items with links to source files, Bates-stamped TIFF and PDF images to use as exhibits, and, of course, all related metadata.
- Faster and less expensive electronic review.
- Encrypted storage maintains your data integrity.
- Recovery of deleted data available.
eDiscovery Forensics Fees
Computer (PC and Mac) Evidence$1,275 – $3,275
Email Evidence$875 – $2,475
Social Media Evidence$775 – $1,375
Smartphone Evidence$875 – $1,875
Document Review – $225 Hour$225
Special Master – $475 Hour$475
Joint Neutral Expert – $475 Hour$475
Expert Witness – $475 Hour$475