Sexual Harassment

Digital Forensics in Sexual Harassment Claims

Are you defending or pursuing a claim for sexual harassment? Computer forensics helps evaluate your claim by quickly identifying key evidence in texts, emails, company documents, and more.

Employment Law E-Discovery
Employment Law E-Discovery

Our Forensics Reduce Your Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Costs

Our computer and smartphone forensics collect texts, phone call logs, photos, emails, and other digital evidence showing communications between employees. We help lawyers discover evidence for sexual harassment cases, and are an asset when it comes to providing evidence for settlement or trial.

Once we’ve identified all sources of evidence, we forensically extract the text messages, documents, and more. You can imagine that quickly becomes an overwhelming amount of items to sort through. For your sexual harassment claim, our forensics expert will work with you to develop a Discovery Protocol and apply effective culling strategies. This way we reduce the amount of data and by extension, your eDiscovery costs.

For example, we focus the review on certain timeframes with begin and end-date filters, or to only those messages sent or received from certain people. In addition, our forensic analyst will also work with you to exclude other items, such as confidential information and privileged communications.

We can help you find the following type of evidence:

  • Sexual Advancements in the Workplace
  • Consistent Sexual Contact
  • Sexually Related Text Messages
  • Social Media Messages
  • Photo and Video Evidence
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Persistent Phone Calls
  • Ongoing Text Messages
  • Stalking
  • On-going Threats

It doesn’t matter whether you are defending the employer or representing the victim, we have the technical ability to find the evidence you need.

Importance of Smartphone Evidence to Litigation
Importance of Smartphone Evidence to Litigation

Real Case Example

Example: A woman claims she is being sexually harassed by her manager. He constantly sends her emails, text messages, and calls her after hours and on weekends. This makes her uncomfortable. He keeps asking her out and emailing her jokes and pictures that are provocative.

  • A smartphone call log shows a high number of phone calls from her manager (even up to 11 PM at night).
  • Text messages show sexual innuendo.
  • Emails contained attachments with racy photos.
  • Social media showed that the two were once involved in a sexual relationship.
  • Text messages showed the woman had threatened her boss with legal action over the relationship if he didn’t give him a promotion.
  • Cell phone photos showed the manager and employee dancing provocatively together at a local club.
Smartphone Evidence Report Won Case (Testimonial)
Smartphone Evidence Report Won Case

Text Message Example:

Max:      “What are you doing tonight? Can I stop by?”
Sue:       “It is almost midnight. Please stop texting me.”

Max:      “I thought that we loved each other; I can’t believe you would turn on me like this.”

Sue:       “I can’t deal with this right now.”

Internet Browser History
Internet Browser History
GPS and Location Evidence
GPS and Location Evidence